Needles loot
The needles have arrived...I must said, some of them really look like satay sticks! What to do...this is Ebay, you paid peanuts so you get monkey haha...Overall, I am still very satisfied with what I bought this round.

Constance has turned 6-month-old now, PD has adviced me to start her on solid on a per day basis. He also recommend that I give her cereal. I must admit that I am a very lazy person but for my darling, I am welling to go to the extend to make healthy puree for her. The puree will be added to the cereal to make it taste better. Haiz...being mummy is not easy...
Pumpkin and pear in the steamer:
This is pumpkin with sweet potato puree:
First I lay the sweet potato in the tray
Then I pour pumpkin puree on top
This is pear puree:
The pumpkin taste has some bitterness in it so I hope the sweet potato can make it taste better. I like the pear though, taste very sweet and yummy.
See the redness on my fingers...they were hurt by the steam when I removed the lid off the steamer. I may be very good at knitting but when come to cooking, I am super clumsy! This really hurts.
ouch!! steam burns can be the worst kind. Did you run your fingers in cold water for awhile??
Yes I did =)
But when I'm off the water, the pain is back again. I am much better today. Thanks.
Thats pain!
Becareful next time gal :D and jiayu~
OOh - be careful with that steamer, but good for you for making homemade baby food for your little one! It is well worth it! I started my son out like that, at about 5 months, in slow bits, and he absolutely LOVES his vegetables now. Actually, he loves all food and is willing to try new things, too. I think REAL baby food is important for developing good, healthy eating habits! Good luck!
All mummy are great. :)
Take care gal.
wah, i am impressed leh!
See liao, very inspired to do the same.
cant wait until keira turn 6 mths
but hor, do be careful lah !
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