This is a highly sophisticated stun and other babies shouldn't try it at home without parents guidance haha...
She looks so tiny in the high chair =)

These are the mary jane booties I made for Constance...

And my 2 new projects - Cardi for Constance and blouse for myself.

Constance so cute in her highchair!!!
hmm..i think if Jaylen sits on the bouncer like this, his butt will sink into the netting! haha..even sleeping on the bouncer,it's oreadi sinking in.. :P
btw, really envy ya knitting skills leh..can teach me anot? i hope to pick up knitting and crochet..but dun have any shifu...can guide me?
mash from SMH forum
the maryjune booties are so cute.
Hey the booties are nice!
I think little Constance will look sweet on them!
Hm..your knitting speed is scary too!
How can u did so many beatiful FOz with so little time?
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