Monday, July 30, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I am taking a break
from knitting my own stuff because I cannot decide what I want to knit next haha! Instead, I would like to focus my attention on making booties for Constance! Her feet is growing fast and she no longer can fit into her 0 to 6-month-old socks/booties and I have no time to go shopping for her booties or socks since we do not wish to bring her to crowded places during weekends.
Thes pictures are taken from saartje knits and I haven't made mine yet!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Another failure!
Very disappointing, my shrug turned out to be another failure! I followed the instruction exactly; word by word! But in the end after stitching up the pieces together, the neck area still turned out weird and looks very ugly when I wore it. I tried redoing the neck, yet it still turn out TOO HIGH for my neck! So sad, wasted my time, effort and yarns. Perhaps I shouldn't have attempted something so complicated especially when I am just an amateur knitter. Sorry all, no final pictures to show everyone...just want to close this chapter and move on.
Monday, July 23, 2007
on Child MC today
Brought Constance to see her PD today and as usual, she had her 2 jabs. Don't ask me what the jabs are cos until now, since her birth, I am still very blur about all these so called 5 in 1, 6 in 1 etc. Just do what the PD recommend so long it is good for her. What I hate most is, fever after jab. Yes, she is having slight fever now and hopefully she can recover soon. Pay money to suffer =(
Ok some quick update:
Friend's poncho - on 2nd ball of yarn now.
My shrug - left with stitching to do.
I have decided not to do the RR for the time being after my shrug is done. Don't feel like knitting in rounds. I would like to work on the wrap sweater with eyelets from Rebecca Mag 29 instead. No pic of the sweater so just keep everyone in suspend for the time being =)
The poncho is for her. She always buy clothing for Constance so must do something in return for her if not pai seh =P
Friday, July 20, 2007
What to do with the left over yarns
Most of the times I will have left over yarns after I completed a project. Very wasteful to throw away the 1-2 balls of yarn but I wouldn't want to do something out of it for myself or for Constance if the colors is not right. So why not use it to knit scarves for friends and colleagues? This way I won't have to pile up on the left over yarns in my knitting box to collect dust hehe...Brilliant me!
Once I finish knitting my friend's poncho, which is about 8 inches in lenght already, I am going to knit a scarf for my AO (Administrative Officer) who is going to USA to visit her son in December. Don't waste the yarns =)

Thursday, July 19, 2007
I am knitting a poncho for a friend
Last year, my friend ask me to make something for her, she even bought the yarns for me. Poor girl who knows nothing about knitting and bought 6 balls of yarn for $70+! She didn't know that I am knitting again, so maybe I should make something for her and mail it to her house and surprise her hehe...(unless she still keep my blog, then no surprise liao which I doubt so). I wanted to make something fast and simple so I am making this for her but with the fringe. See how, may convert it into a shrug =)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Many things to post!
Ok instead of creating individual posting, I list them down instead.
I alter the design abit, my version is without sleeve.
Very difficult to get her to smile for the camera! Nonetheless, I managed to capture this.

5. This look simply melt my heart

6. Shrug update
1. Combi Carrier
My friends bought this carrier for me during Constance full month celebration. First time trying it because instruction said to use it when baby turned 4 month. Err...are the legs suppose to spread so wide apart?
2. Constance dress
I alter the design abit, my version is without sleeve.
Constance "wearing" the dress (I quietly lay the dress on top of her when she still haven't wake up in the morning...crazy mummy haha!). The size is for 12/18 months, so for the time being, need to store it inside the toyogo box.
3. First puree
Pumpkin and sweet potato. I am not so 'ON" to make my own puree! This is from Heinz, recommended for 4 to 6 months old baby. Really have to salute to those mummies who make puree for their babies. I know it will be fun but I am simply not the cooking type. I wonder how am I going to survive when it is time for her to take porridge. It is not that I don't know how to cook but I am just lazy to cook...Anyway mother instinct, sure can live through it!
Inexperience mummy, first time feeding baby but practice make perfect!
4. Her smile is so beautiful
Very difficult to get her to smile for the camera! Nonetheless, I managed to capture this.
5. This look simply melt my heart
My little naughty girl...with your sweet smile and big round eyes, I would rather beat daddy when you are naughty haha...
6. Shrug update
Back part is done, now working on the right side.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Friday the 13th!
Friday the 13th...I have goood news and bad news.
Good News
I completed 2 WIPs this week. 1 is my girl's dress and another 1 is my UFO. I found it in my knitting box, so might as well finish it. I will take some pics and upload it once they are dry (I wash it, my way of blocking...lazy me!)
Bad News
Ready? My MIL called me this morning to let me know Constance was down with fever last night! Temp flux between 37.6 to 38.0. Friday the 13th...nothing turn out good on this day! Just last month, Constance had a very high fever and was hospitalized for 7 days! The diagnosis was 'suspected Kawasaki Disease'. She was just discharged by doctor on Monday that she no longer had this disease, with platelet count of 300plus (it was 600plus when she was ill). I felt paranoid when I know she is having fever, 'am so worried that she will have this disease again. The thought of staying in hopsital traumatized everyone. I will call MIL in the afternoon again, hopefully the fever is gone by then.
Lastly, I took this photo when I moved to my new office 2 weeks ago.
Update @ 1.53pm
Called MIL and Constance has recovered from her fever. Then again, still need to monitor her and take temp when I bring her home tonight. Mommies! Always worry this and that!
No more WIP in hand now, so if can, I will CO a new project tonight. Should I start on the shrug first or Rusted Root(RR)? I am so tempted to make RR after I saw Regg's.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Who taught me to knit?
I learnt to knit from here. This info is for those who are keen to learn how to knit. I find this website very useful, it is like a dictionary to me. Whenever I encounter any knitting problem, I refer to this site.
My first online purchase since my 'return' - Rebecca magarzine. This is my favourite, I like their patterns very much. Another fav is this one.
Monday, July 09, 2007
They grow up so fast
I managed to take photo of Constance and Alycia together today. Alycia is my brother's daughter and she is just 2 days older then Constance. Wow...they grow up so fast, in no time, they can sit, crawl and walk liao.
Now @ 4 months. Are they holding hands?
Then @ 1 month
Both babies are so cute! Love them muack muack...
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Busy Saturday
Morning Adrian brought us to Ikea Alexandra for breakfast.

Today is my mum's birthday so after breakfast, we went to Hong Kah CC to fetch her home from her singing listen. She was so surprise to see us hehe cos she didn't expect to see us there.

At my mum's void deck, we met my childhood friend. Today is her customary wedding (dinner on Monday). We are invited to customary wedding buffet lunch.

After lunch, we went to visit our Aunt. Yes, the one we use to stay together with. She and her family is flying back to Sydney tomorrow, her daughter is starting Uni there.

At dinner time, we are invited to Roy and Jess home for pizza. Suppose to see baby Jayden (2 months younger then Constance) but he was still sleeping when we left the place at 1opm. We received a good news! Alex and Lily, who was also there for dinner, are expecting a baby in late Jan/early Feb next year. Yeah, Constance will have another playmate.