Making Combo
For some times, I did not update on Constance's solid and what she is eating. Yes, she is still taking the good and healthy food. She likes her oats, pearl barley and brown rice but she doesn't really like millet. And so far she is okay with all the puree I made for her. I am introducing meat, tofu, red date and wolfberry into her diet now and hopefully she likes it. Currently, she take about 1 small bowl of homemade cereal with 1 cube of fruit and 1 cube of vege and so far, no allegies. I have decide to make combo meal instead of just 1 type of vege at a time. This is what I made yesterday night (until 12am!!!!)
Tofu with red dates and french beans
First I steam the tofu and red dates together. Going to use the red dates juice for pureeing later.
I let the red dates cool off and remove the skin.
Note: Today I took it out from the freezer the color turn abit darker, like cream of mushroom soup color. Hope it is okay.
Last Saturday, we went to Mcdonalds at West Coast Park for breakfast. Just the usual...

Both Daddy and me have messy hair, can tell we just woke up and Mummy drag us to Mcs for hotcakes! Daddy showing off my sexy thighs hehe...
Once at home, time for my bathe before I take my sweet nap. Mummy is trying to proof that I am not a chubby baby and I am make up of muscles. Don't see my lean lean, I weigh about 8.5kg, don't play play.
Once I woke up, I had my fun time in my playpen.
I had enough, carry me please...
Sunday we went to Marina Square after a full-month celebration party at a relative's house.
A clearer picture.
Mummy feel so jealous that Daddy get to take picture with me all the time when she is the photographer. Daddy next time you be the photographer okay?

Swing at Kiddy Palace at MS