My teacher wrote to me
Hi yuling
It was great seeing you this evening, happily married, sharing a life with your signficant other.
It is a feeling beyond words when i see my pupils again, many years down the road. It is good knowing that all of you are doing well, married or otherwise. Most importantly all of you are happy and healthy- useful citizens.
Hmm..... little ones are coming along soon right? i didn't see your husband but i am sure your little ones will be very cute if they look like the mummy.
It will be fantastic if you can email me a photo of your class (or a photo with as many of your classmates as possible in it) and pls include the names of all them - do ensure the face match the name coz i have forgotten their names although their faces are familiar to me.
Pls send the others my regards.
keep safe
tricia ong
Feel so touched by her words. Oh, how careless of me, I didn't intro my DH to her =P
It sadden me everytime someone mentioned about the little ones. Everyone can have it except us. It will never come and I dare not hope for one. Just last Saturday, me and DH went shopping at Robinson. If not because the customer service center is located in the children's department, we would not want to go there. The little stroller (we always hope that one day we can get the sport series stroller haha), the baby cot and the clothing are all so sweet. After we were done with collecting our free $20 voucher, cut across the children's department and down the escalator, my DH said, "we won't get to buy those stuff the rest are looking."
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