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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Recent WIPs

Presenting my recent WIPs. The orange ones is my aunt's sweater. Almost done and in fact, it is done when I tried to update my blog! Only left with blocking and tucking in the loose ends. Finally! One down and one more aunt's sweater to go and that's it. Next, the blue ones (more like lilac though) is my Project Summer. That's the back part you see here and I am now working on the front. Lastly, the grey ones is a vest and I have posted the pattern here. Since the pattern is written in japanese, I have a hard time deciphering it. I just have to keep my finger crossed and hope it fit when it is done.

As I have said, I have many projects in mind but due to my poor memory, I sort of forget who is next. Worst, I may change my mind and use the yarns to work on other projects instead. No discipline, that's what I called. Oh, this project I must do - my aunt's 2nd sweater! I will be doing the red sweater from Rebecca 29. Mine version will be in green cashmere.


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